What’s The Difference?
First, let’s clear up the confusion about names: oil-based house paint is also called alkyd and water-based paints are either acrylic or latex. Water-based paints are faster-drying, easier to clean up and less smelly than alkyds. However, alkyds are, in general, more durable and give you a finish that is harder and glossier.
As for finishes, there is a tradition in North America of using high-gloss finishes only for areas subject to abuse or those where lots of cleaning is to be expected, such as window sills and bathroom and kitchen walls. But, really, the choice is up to you. If you like a glossy finish in your living room, go ahead! And bear in mind that many high-quality, non-glossy finishes now offer excellent durability.
What Does More Money Get You?
You get what you pay for…right? Well, that’s usually the case. However, as with most things you purchase, a little research can help you in determining whether or not those extra dollars are really worth it.
One of the best data bases for paint value is Consumer Reports. They regularly evaluate dozens of paints from a variety of manufacturers and give objective information on coverage, hiding power, durability, clean-up and so on. I am sure many people would be surprised to learn that Brand X’s Premium red paint behaves quite differently from its blue paint.
One thing you do get with more expensive paints is a longer warranty. Again, this is something you need to investigate because not all warranties are the same. Read the fine print (there can be lots of it!) to find out just what a warranty covers.
Lifetime Paint Warranties
Does a lifetime warranty mean that you will get your home repainted for free if it is fading noticeably in 20 or 30 years? Absolutely not! Excessive fading is covered by lifetime warranties, but excessive fading isn’t the same as no fading. All paints fade over time. Premium paints will maintain their fresh look and colour saturation longer than will cheaper paints, but not a whole lot longer. So…read the warranties and balance what it with what you need or expect from the paint.
So…Is It Worth It?
Here it depends on your needs. Premium paints do offer advantages. Generally, they are thicker and more elastic and will withstand weather at least somewhat better than bargain paint. You can expect better hiding power and improved resistance to peeling from more expensive paints.
But, as for a lifetime warranty…are you likely to stay in the same house forever? And, if you do, would you want it to be the same colour for forty or fifty years? Most people will answer no to both questions. So it all depends on your needs. In the end, you have to make a choice and the best way to do that is to think about what it is you really want in a paint and do the research.
For peace of mind and assurance that the paint job will last as long as possible, consult with a professional. Heritage Painting & Decorating are established house painters worth looking up.
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